My current character for a Spelljammers campaign, the exiled Runt Prince of the Plasmoid Royal Line of Allaug, G'uu Wuu, and their Ooze Blade, J'erii!
G'uu is a Runt Prince on their home planet - unusually small among their siblings, and therefore less valued for the royal line because their smaller body cannot produce as many offspring. Runt Princes usually get the smallest inheritances, by royal tradition, no matter their accomplishments or competence. Runts are also feared by their larger siblings because their desperation for prominence will often make them treacherous. After a few infamous Runt Princes became notorious warlords in the past, most royal families proactively ensure the Runt Princes are politically marginalized as much as possible. G'uu resisted this and challenged their siblings to combat, and despite defeating every one of them in succession, was still exiled by the royal guard. G'uu sees the promise of land and therefore influence on a fresh planet and sees this as a chance to start a new royal bloodline. G'uu carries their Royal Ooze Blade, J'erii, with them, both as a remnant of their royal standing, and as a loyal pet they have had since they were a neonate. G'uu will collect fancy rocks to feed to J'erii, and they have learned from experience that J'erii finds crystals and gemstones the most appetizing.
I wanted to make my next DnD character a combat-focused Plasmoid for a while, but I didn't like the idea of relying on a weapon that would need to be sacrificed to slip through tight spaces, but when my friend Dr. River (the DM) offered the Ooze Blade as an option, I knew it had to be so! I struggled briefly with a backstory, but once I saw the "Heir to the Throne" option in the new Player's HandBook, I rode that train of thought through several stations, loving the idea of something as alien and "gross" as slimes doing something as poncy and pretentious as a ritualistic royal line, especially given their asexual reproduction. Once I had the idea, I whipped up a quick drawing while my friends were talking about changes to DnD 2024, and this was the result! The general color is described on my character sheet as "PS4 Blue", and River suggested that I add the swoosh from the home screen, I couldn't resist.